What people are saying.

  • I worked with Luke for several years. His training support completely helped me readjust my attitude to exercise and it's benefits not just to physical health but also making me mentally stronger and more resilient. Luke takes a holistic approach which really worked for me.

    — Mike Smedley, Managing Director

  • Luke is an inspiration! He has the ability to hold both an holistic view of a situation whilst also empowering people to focus in on the specifics within that situation which need action. These actions, which Luke then supports people to take, have the combined effect of improving wellbeing and direction. I have benefitted personally both from his individual attention to my wellbeing, (physical, emotional and mental). He has the energy, mindset and ability to make a real difference to the people and places he is involved with.

    — Peter Leonard, Chief Executive

  • I've had some great chats with Luke over the years (I like PTs who have plenty to talk about, read stuff, are curious, and even broaden your horizons).

    — Helen Hughes, Head of Grants